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Sonic fashion

Sonic Fashion is an artistic research project that aims to expand the discourse of fashion by approaching it from a new and very different —sonic—perspective wherein sound is considered not as a negative aspect but as a potential source of a new theory and facilitator of

new methods and tools

Fashion is primarily a visual ontology consisting of definitions, theory, and methods that are based on visual language. As there is a lack of design methods for sonic expressions, sonic textiles and sonic clothing, the research will be taking this direction for this specific research project. The project is a development and continuation of the Ph.D. research Wearing Sound: Foundations of Sonic Design.


The research project Sonic fashion is designed to:

explore and design new sonic textiles (year 1),

investigate complex sonic expressions of the dress in relation to the body (year 2), 

develop the methodological guidelines for designing the sonic expressions (year 3).


The mentioned components will result in the foundations for the unique design methods and tools that could

be used for educational purposes. The research will employ the most suitable methods, such as embodied design ideation, sound documentation, research workshops, co-creation with visually impaired people and students from textile and fashion design, sound and performance art. Nevertheless, the research purpose to facilitate long-term effect— inclusive fashion education that would consider non-visual aesthetics as a part of the education program.


The main contribution of this research project, such as the palette of sonic textiles, vocabulary for sonic expressions, design methods and tools, will expand the knowledge in the fashion design field and even beyond it. Within the short term, the new knowledge would move forward the content of fashion studies and expand upon the methods and tools used in fashion education. The inclusive aspect of introducing non-visual aesthetics into such a visual field would innovate the current research frontier to rethink what fashion is and what kind of education the universities want to propose in a long term.

Funded by The Swedish Research Council, grant agreement ID: 2021-01399

Start date: 2022-01-01

End date: 2024-12-31

research team

Project leader Dr. Vidmina Stasiulytė, a pioneer in the field of Sonic Fashion will be the main executive of the research and its outcomes.

Participating researchers

Dr. Linnea Bågander, researcher, senior lecturer at the Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås. LB is an expert in the field of movement as design material in the field of fashion. Her explicit knowledge and experience how to design and express with the movement will be a valuable contribution to the project. Her knowledge and experience of temporal expressions and embodied design methodology will be used as foundations for developing the sonic wear.

Dr. Razieh Hashemi Sanatgar, researcher in the Textile Materials Technology group at the Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås. Her competence in 3D printing on textiles would be necessary and valuable for developing the prototypes for sonic textiles.

Dr. Emilie Giles, postgraduate researcher in HCI, senior lecturer at the Bournemouth Art University, United Kingdom. Her expertise in co-designing sonic textiles together with visually impaired people will be indispensable contribution to this project.

Read more about the research project Sonic fashion here

© 2023 by Vidmina Stasiulyte

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