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Selected publications


Stasiulyte, V. (2020). Wearing Sound: Foundations of Sonic Design (Doctoral dissertation, Högskolan i Borås).

Stasiulyte, V. (2018). The Aesthetics of the Invisible: Foundations for Sonic Fashion (Licentiate thesis, Högskolan i Borås).

journal articles

Stasiulytė, V. (2022). Listening to clothing: from sonic fashion archive to sonic fashion library. The Senses and Society, 17(2), 228-238. DOI: 10.1080/17458927.2022.2073675

Lewis, E., & Stasiulyte, V. (2022). Introducing Sensory-material Aesthetics in Textile Design Education. Diseña, (20), 7-7. DOI: 10.7764/disena.20.Article.7

Stasiulyte, V. (2017). Imagining a Future of Sonic Fashion. Utopian studies, 28(3), 547-561. DOI:

conference papers

Lewis, E. & Stasiulyte, V. (2020). Sound-Based Thinking and Design Practices with Embodied Extensions.

In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied

Interaction (pp. 889-892).


Stasiulyte, V. (2017). Aesthetics of the Invisible. Sonic Value in the Field of Fashion Design. In: Cumulus conference REDO 2017, Kolding, May 30-June 2, 2017. (pp. 713-719).


Stasiulyte, V. (2017). Sonic Body and Sonic Space. In: Everything and everybody as material: beyond fashion design methods, Borås, June 7-9, 2017. (pp. 148-151). DOI:


Stasiulyte, V., Body-Space: Embodied Listening Practices (video) at Domestic Provocations: Creativity as a Provocateur of Care and Vice Versa, keynote exhibition, (video), 30 A-1, Pakistan, 11 March 2023.

Stasiulyte, V., Sound to Wear (interactive sound-objects) at Somatic Provocations: Fashioning a dialogue, Pakistan, 3 December 2023 - 6 December 2023.

Stasiulyte, V., Sound to Wear (video) at Costume&Contemplations 1, Textile Museum, Poland,

24 November 2022 - 26 November 2022.

Stasiulyte, V., Sound to Wear (interactive sound-objects) at Drafts 3: Communicating knowledge through design research artifacts, designtranfer, Germany, 12 May 2022 - 20 May 2022.

Stasiulyte, V., Sound to Wear (video and interactive sound-objects) at Mados Dizaino Pasakojimai, Titanikas, Lithuania, 16 December 2021 - 15 January 2021.

Stasiulyte, V., Sound to Wear (interactive sound-objects) at UFNA: 1st International Art Triennial Unpredictable Futures, Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology, Lithuania, 2 July 2021 - 4 October 2021

Stasiulyte, V., Sound to Wear (interactive sound-objects) at Drafts 1: Design research artifacts as an intermediary knowledge, Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design, Pakistan, 1 April 2021 - 13 April 2021

Stasiulyte, V., Nosy Bodies (sound composition) at Beyond Seeing: Innovative ways of sensory fashion design,

La Villette, Paris. 19 - 28 January 2018.

Stasiulyte, V., Sonic Somatic (sound recordings) at Everything and everybody as material: beyond fashion design methods, the Textile Museum of Sweden, Borås. 7-9 June 2017.

Stasiulyte, V., Nachtigall, T., Mackey, A., Svechtarova, M., Bertin, M., 2016. Future Ways of Wearing, AHTI (audio-visual movie), designtransfer, Berlin. 9 December 2016.

Stasiulyte, V., 2016. Future Ways of Wearing. Wearing Sound (sound recordings), designtransfer, Berlin.

9 December 2016.

Stasiulyte, V., 2016. MSCA16: Research and Society. Sonic Fashion. (poster), Manchester, 28–29 July 2016.

Stasiulyte, V., 2016. Aesthetics of Invisible: Sonic Identity in the Field of Fashion Design (poster), the Swedish School of Textiles, Borås. 21-22 November 2016.

Stasiulyte, V. and Bågander, L., 2016. Speculate, Collaborate, Define. Sound Map, (audio-visual installation), the Textile Museum of Sweden, Borås. 23 March -15 May, 2017.

Stasiulyte, V., 2016. Design Week’16. Sounding Objects (e-textile), Vilnius Academy of Arts, Telsiai,

2-4 May 2016.

Stasiulyte, V., Nachtigall, T., Mackey, A., Svechtarova, M., Bertin, M., Suarez, D., Resetar, I., Castan, M., Kapur, J., Beyer, B., Pineyro, A., Keune, S., Lundberg, S., Peciulyte, J. and Gowrishankar, R., 2016. Activating the Surface, (audio-visual movie, textile installations), Berlin Academy of the Arts, Berlin,

28 February -7 March, 2016.

Stasiulyte, V., Nachtigall, T., Mackey, A., Svechtarova, M., Bertin, M., Suarez, D., Resetar, I., Castan, M., Kapur, J., Beyer, B., Pineyro, A., Keune, S., Lundberg, S., Peciulyte, J. and Gowrishankar, R., 2016. Micro-Tectonics (audio-visual movie), Istanbul Design Biennial, Istanbul. 22 October - 20 November, 2016.

Stasiulyte, V., 2016-2018. Anti-ideal, (photography), two years mobile exhibition presented in 10 different cities, Lithuania. 2 December 2016 - 30 July 2018.

Stasiulyte, V., 2015. Anti-ideal, (collection of clothing), Tolerance Center, Vilnius. 2 December 2015.

© 2023 by Vidmina Stasiulyte

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