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DRAFTS is a research project that invites to explore the conceptions by different researchers of what is

the research artifact and its role in the field of fashion and textile


DRAFTS 2/ UFNA: 1st International Art Triennial Unpredictable Futures,

Tomas Daukša, A system out of balance with the feedback (2021)

DRAFTS is a research project that was initiated by Faseeh Saleem and Vidmina Stasiulytė in April 2021 as a collaborative artistic research project to highlight the research process – thinking, ideating, and suggesting ideas – as expressed through the design artifacts. It is seen as a platform for something unfinished, in the process, development stage, something that is questioning, triggering, bringing new knowledge and thinking modes.

drafts 1

Research exhibition & webinar 

1-13 April 2021, Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design, 51-J/3, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan

Curators: Faseeh Saleem and Vidmina Stasiulyte

DRAFTS 1: Design Research Artefacts as an Intermediary Knowledge was hosted by Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design (PIFD) from the 1 – 13 April 2021 in Lahore, Pakistan. This exhibition presented the work of Professors, Post-Doc Researchers, Ph.D. Candidates, and Senior Lecturers with their intriguing research artefacts in the field of fashion and textile. This exhibition consisted of 17 individual and collaborative projects by 23 participants.

The design research is practice-based, thus, closely connected with the experimentation that is embedded into artifacts. What is an artifact? The term can be understood in diverse ways. The research artifacts could be considered as an intermediary knowledge, as a ‘midway’ between instances and theories, such as ‘‘bridging concepts’’ (Dalsgaard and Dindler, 2014), “research archetypes” (Wensveen and Matthews, 2015), “ultimate

particulars” (Waern and Back, 2017), “strong concepts” (Höök and Löwgren, 2012), etc. The research artifacts materialize the thinking process and could be seen as ‘‘evocative objects’’ (Su & Liang, 2013; Turkle, 2007) that express the abstraction of concepts. The exhibition Drafts is inviting to explore the conceptions by different researchers of what is the research artifact in the field of fashion and textile.


This project consists of a series of exhibitions exploring design research artifacts as an Intermediary knowledge. The exhibition Drafts invites Professors, Senior Lecturers, Postdoc researchers, doctorates, and Ph.D. scholars from ten different countries with their intriguing research artifacts in the field of fashion and textile.


This project exhibition and webinar sessions provide opportunities to understand new perspectives for researchers, faculty, and students exploring research artifacts. This series of exhibitions and dialogue brings a new perspective in understanding research artifacts. These exhibitions are followed by alternative research presentations and research workshop culminating into publications.


Andreas Eklöf, Anna Lidström, Clemens Thornquist, Delia Dumitrescu, Erika Blomgren, Erin Lewis, Faseeh Saleem, Holly Mcquillan, Jan Tepe, Karin Landahl, Karin Peterson, Kathryn Walters, Kristina Fridh, Linnea Bågander, Margareta Zetterblom, Marjan Kooroshnia, Paula Femenias, Riikka Talman, Stefanie Malmgren De Oliveira, Stephan Friedli, Svenja Keune, Ulrik Martin Larsen, Vidmina Stasiulytė

DRAFTS 1 catalog

exhibition documentation video


DRAFTS 1, Faseeh Saleem, Materialised Thinking (2021)

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DRAFTS 1, research exhibition at the Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design

drafts 2

Art & research exhibition, performances, student workshop & exhibition 

2 July 2021 - 4 October 2021, Molėtai, Lithuania

Curators: Dr. Vidmina Stasiulyte, Faseeh Saleem, Prof. Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė, Saulė Mažeikaitė-Teiberė, Solveiga Gutautė, and Viktorija Kazlienė 

Main organizer: Lithuanian Artists’ Union

Organizers: Molėtai Region Museum, Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology, Vilnius Academy of Arts,

The Swedish School of Textiles

DRAFTS 2: Design Research Artefacts in the Context of Exhibition was part of the 1st International Art Triennial – Unpredictable Futures UFNA. Taking place from 2 July – 4 October 2021 in Molėtai, Lithuania, DRAFTS:2 consisted of three venues exhibiting the works of more than 60 artists, designers, and researchers.

The art triennial UFNA was a collaborative project between the Lithuanian Artists’ Association and The Swedish School of Textiles, curated by Dr. Vidmina Stasiulyte, Faseeh Saleem, Prof. Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė, Saulė Mažeikaitė-Teiberė, Solveiga Gutautė, and Viktorija Kazlienė.

The 1st International Art Triennial Unpredictable Futures is a project of visions and research that responds to the current issues of the space and Anthropocene era focused on predicting life outside the Earth. The project is implemented in Molėtai and its environs, the town which, thanks to Lithuanian scientists and artists already several decades ago, became a place of visual, pragmatic, prognostic, ontological, and other connections with space. The 1st International Art Triennial Unpredictable Futures (UFNA) will search for answers to the question of what the world of the future will be.

Interactions between the matter and bodies, cosmic light and sound, alpha, beta, and other particles, black holes, gravity, and other space experiences will be embodied in artifacts. With the help of traditional and interdisciplinary media, triennial participants worldwide will present their work, identify their relationship with space, their own, and other bodies, explore innovative materials and technologies, or even use the enigmatic X (12) dimension. The triennial presents art and design objects, artistic research from more than 60 artists, and art researchers from Denmark, Iran, Canada, Lithuania, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, and Romania. The research project DRAFTS: Design Research Artifacts in the Context of Exhibition is a part of the UFNA Art Triennial that presents emerging topics in the field of fashion and textile design. 


Linnea Bågander, Jurga Barilaitė, Erika Blomgren, Eglė Ganda Bogdanienė, Bronius Bružas, Cooltūristės, Tomas Daukša, Das Vegas, Delia Dumitrescu, Andreas Eklöf, Paula Femenias, Kristina Fridh, Stephan Friedli, Julija Frodina, Andrius Grigalaitis, Andrius Gediminas Gudaitis, Solveiga Gutautė, Kazimieras Inčirauskas, Feliksas Jakubauskas, Audrius Janušonis, Emilis Jonaitis, Gunaras Imantas Kakaras, Nauris Kalinauskas, Svenja Keune, Saulius Kirvela, Marjan Kooroshnia, Ričardas Krištapavičius, Remigijus Kriukas, Algirdas Kuzma, Lida Kuzmienė, Karin Landahl, Ulrik Martin Larsen, Erin Lewis, Anna Lidström, Sandra Malaškevičiūtė, Stefanie Malmgren De Oliveira, Holly McQuillan, Algimantas Mikutis, Kęstutis Musteikis, Ieva Navikaitė, Simonas Nekrošius, Karin Peterson, Milena Pirštelienė, Rafal Piesliak, Neringa Poškutė-Jukumienė, Paulius Rukas, Elzė Sakalinskaitė-Beinaravičienė, Faseeh Saleem, Mykolas Sauka, Jolanta Sendaitė-Paulauskienė, Rūta Spelskytė-Liberienė, Vidmina Stasiulytė, Indrė Stulgaitė-Kriukienė, Gediminas Šibonis, Loreta Švaikauskienė, Riikka Talman, Karolis Tamošiūnas, Jan Tepe, Clemens Thornquist, Julijonas Urbonas, Kathryn Walters, Saulius Valius, Jolanta Vazalinskienė, Margareta Zetterblom, Birutė Zokaitytė, Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė (Žaltė)

UFNA/DRAFTS 2 catalog

S. Nekrošius performance video

G. Šibonis performance video


DRAFTS 2/UFNA, Simonas Nekrošius, Sound art performance for homemade, electro-acoustic sound objects (2021) 


DRAFTS 2/UFNA, one of the exhibition & performances venues: Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology 


DRAFTS 2/UFNA, left: Jurga Barilaitė & Karolis Tamošiūnas, Cloud chamber (2020),

right: Emilis Jonaitis, The invisible side of plastic (2021) 

drafts 3

Research exhibition, symposium and student exhibition & performances

12-20 May 2022, Berlin, Germany

Curators: Jan Tepe, Faseeh Saleem, Dr. Vidmina Stasiulyte, Prof. Dr. Berit Greinke

Organisers: designtransfer, Berlin University of the Arts, Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås, Einsteincenter Digital Future

DRAFTS 3: Communicating knowledge through design research artefacts 

The multi-platform event DRAFTS invites researchers and designers to discuss the role of artifacts in research and design activities within disciplines such as fashion, textile, and interaction design. What is an artifact? The term can be understood and explored in varied ways. In alignment with scholarly voices, artifacts could be regarded as “intermediary knowledge”, “bridging concept” (Dalsgaard and Dindler, 2014), or “strong concepts” (Höök and Öwgren, 2012), which “can serve as inputs into knowledge production and as outputs for knowledge communication” (Nimkulrat, 2013). The multi-platform event DRAFTS explores in its different venues these conceptions of what research artifacts in design processes can be.

In an international collaboration between the Berlin University of the Arts and the University of Borås – The Swedish School of Textiles, artistic and research-based works are presented as part of an exhibition and an online symposium at designtransfer. These activities are accompanied by a one-day event at the Berlin Open Lab, during which students of the organizing institutes present design projects and performances together with students of the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch to discuss the role of artifacts in design processes from their perspectives.


Rodolfo Acosta Castro, Anastasia Almosova, Kristina Asenova, Linnea Bågander,Kristian Barella Greve, Mirte Berthe Luijmes, Paul Biessmann, Ricarda Bigolin, Erika Blomgren, Imke de Boer, Saskia Buch, Leonie Burkhardt, Dencine Castillo, Delia Dumitrescu, Majli af Ekenstam, Hannah Friederike Fischer, Rahel Flechtner,

Matilda Forssblad, Friederike Fröbel, Emily Furmann, Luna Gil, Louis Grau, Helga LáraHalldórsdóttir,

Aida Hasemzadehhomayouni, Sara Hassoune, Karin Hedlund, Marta Hei∂arsdóttir, Julika Hother, Caroline Ingeholm, Katja Jahn, Jin Jing, Julian Jungel, Sophie Jungkvist, Svenja Keune, Mirjam Ida Kislinger, Erika Körner, Marjan Kooroshnia, Clemens Kramer, Karin Landahl, Georgina Koschke, Zora Kutz, Hanna Landin, Ulrik Martin Larsson, Erin Lewis, Anna Lidström, Louise Linderoth, Maria-Helena Loheide, Katharina Lorenz, Thorsten Lühring, Stefanie Malmgren de Oliveira, Pepita Neureuter, Hong Van Nguyen, Yanshan Ou, Ella Estrella Tischa Raetzer, Faseeh Saleem, Hannah Perner-Wilson, Karin Peterson, Giorgia Petri, Holly McQuillan,Luisa von Radziewsky, Magda Roth, Tiago Santos, Mika Satomi, Johanna Sehrig,Sophie Skach, Christine Snedker,

Vidmina Stasiulyte, Pauline Stockmann, Simone Syrhe,Jan Tepe, Clemens Thornquist, Pauline Vierne, Patricia Wagner, William Wahlström, Kathryn Walters, Tin Wang, Melissa Wedekind, Joanna Wilkans, Daniela Wittmann, Esther Zahn, Nico Zimmermann

DRAFTS 3 catalog

Research exhibition teaser

Students' exhibition&performances teaser

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DRAFTS 3, Faseeh Saleem & Jan Tepe, Textile Movement Translated as Digital Body Movement  (2022)

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DRAFTS 3, Pepita Neureuter, Elon du Arschloch, bring uns zum Mars, 2022

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DRAFTS 3, Clemens Thornquist, Organizing Wilderness (2021)

© 2023 by Vidmina Stasiulyte

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